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svn statistics

  • statsvn

image processing

join images (tiling)

montage a.png b.png -tile x1 -geometry +1+1 -background none out.png

create an animation from a set of frames

convert -adjoin image_*.png ani.gif

batch rename a set of files

  • rename -v 's/unnamed./view_/g' *.png
  • use the matched string as a variable: rename -n 's/([0-9]{4})/frame_$1/g' *.png
    • here $1 gets the value of the expression within parenthesis
  • zero padding of numeric filenames:
    • example: 1.jpg goes to 0001.jpg
    • command: rename -v 's/\d+/sprintf("%04d",$&)/e' *.jpg

Video tools

  • to play a yuv file:
    • mplayer -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo fps=25:w=176:h=144:format=i420 your.yuv
  • to output its frames to images:
    • mplayer -vo png -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo fps=25:w=176:h=144:format=i420 your.yuv
  • to grep inside find

find -name *.xml -print -exec sh -c 'cat "$1" |grep nombre' {} {} ";"


Journal abbreviations

El otro día por fin descubrí como abreviar de manera sensata los journals y poder cambiar de modo abreviado a completo fácilmente. Además, está bueno para poner journals que se repiten varias veces. Definen algo así @STRING{ieee_trans_pami = {IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence}} y luego en el el bibtex entry ponen:


author = {J. F. Canny},
title = {A computational approach to edge detection.},
journal = ieee_trans_pami,
year = {1986},
volume = {8},
pages = {679--698},
xxxarea = {image processing}


Para hacer lo de las abreviaturas. Se hace con 3 archivos bibtex. el documento común (references.bib) en vez de la información del journal tiene una variable. luego tienen dos documentos con las abreviaturas:


entonces cuando incluyan la bibliografía, hagan esto: \bibliography{journal_list_short,references} \bibliography{journal_list_long,references}


<bash> pdf2ps these.pdf psbook pstops '2:0L@.82(1.045w,-2cm)+1L@.82(1.045w,0.5h)' ps2pdf -sPAPERSIZE=a4 these_booklet.pdf </bash>

Ver imagenes .mha

ubuntun installation

paquetes para instalar

libgsl0-dev cvs kfilereplace-kde4 subversion kdesvn texlive-latex-recommended octave3.2 kdevelop rar unrar mplayer flashplugin-nonfree mozilla-mplayer vim kile texlive-base inkscape gimp pidgin firefox g++ vtk-tcl wine flex bison ddd kcachegrind kdevelop kwrite fftw-dev fftw3-dev libgtkglext1-dev libblitz0-dev apt-file libgtkglext1-dev


dpkg --get-selections > some_file

in your new installation:

dpkg --set-selections < some_file apt-get dselect-upgrade



linksys spa3000

I have 1 SPA 3k in Uruguay (let me call it node A), 1 SPA 3k in spain (node B) and another SPA 2k in spain (node C). Until last month, my (working) setup was: I succesfully set up the connection between nodes A and C. Here is a sketch of the setup:

  • node A:
    • hardware: linksys SPA 3k
    • network: dynamic ip, with DDNS behind a linksys WRT54G router which handles DDNS.

reply to post

I'm having exactly the same problem, with the addition that I'm

interesting links


Las cosas las instalan de 4 formas:

  • appstore
  • dmg bajado
  • a traves de homebrew
  • compilado desde fuentes

Yo trataría de instalar cada cosa en ese orden de preferencia.


  • install xcode from the appstore
  • install command line tools (to get command line gcc)
  • install homebrew
  • install from dmgs:
    • cmake
    • doxygen
    • netbeans or eclipse C++
  • install with homebrew:
    • graphicsmagick
  • compile from source:
    • ITK
    • OpenCV


  • texmaker


    • word from downloaded dmg
    • openoffice from dmg


  • blender from dmg